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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Top 5- Turkey day edition

I really, really, reeeeeaaaaallllly dislike Thanksgiving. Many of you may be wondering how one could possibly despise a holiday. What has it ever done to me? Well, on this Thanksgiving eve I will tell you why I abhor turkey day. Without further ado, I give you my top 5 reasons for hating Thanksgiving:

5. There is never enough pumpkin pie to go around and I really love pumpkin pie.
4. Too many people in one place. Not enough places to sit.
3. Arguments are inevitable when you get extended family together. Arguments about football. Arguments about stuffing. Just arguments for argument’s sake.
2. You always eat until you get sick which is never enjoyable. Doesn’t matter who you are, you will eat yourself retarded on Thanksgiving.
1. Unnecessary stress brought on by the feeling that this must be the most magnificent meal ever prepared. Too many people in the kitchen, not enough help, something isn’t setting right…so many things to cause stress. I am telling you, it is not ok.

I don’t mean to be a pessimistic downer so having gotten all of this off my chest I hope you all have a very enjoyable Turkey day. I hope that yours is a stress-free, argument-free, pumpkin pie-filled day.

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