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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mob Wives

You guys obvs know I like funny things, but you might not know that I have a total girl crush on Sophia Bush. You also might not know that I live and breathe for trashy reality TV...
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Behold! The ultimate trifecta:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The ol' hike n' dance

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Dear father and son that encountered me on my hike up millcreek,
I would like to formally apologize for what you walked up on last night. You see, I had some endorphins pumping through my system having recently reached a very nice overlook of the Salt Lake Valley. I had also just changed my ipod over to Ellie Goulding. If you are familiar with Ellie Goulding then you understand that her music is impossible to not dance to. The aforementioned factors explain why, on the downhill portion of my hike, I was doing a little half hike/half dance down. If it is any consolation, I assure you that moment was as awkward for me as it was for you. Please accept my apology and do not let that event deter you from that hike again. It really is a lovely hike.
Kirsten aka the weird girl you saw dancing on her hike up Millcreek canyon

Friday, July 8, 2011

Ahhh! The single life...

I know most of you that read my blog are murried and I don’t mean to make ya’ll jelly or anything, but there are some serious perks to the single life! I mean, sure I have to deal with the crippling insecurities that come with casual dating, but there are a few perks too. I use the term “casual dating” loosely as I truly believe it is the most ironic of all oxy morons. There is absolutely nothing casual about the dating world, ever! Take it from someone who regularly spends hours getting ready just to go eat a snow cone and pretend to care about some dude’s intramural softball team, the Blue Balls. I don’t care and I don’t think your team name is clever. It’s just gross and immature. Oh, and the “casual” t-shirt and jeans combo generally takes about 45 minutes and several changes to pick out. What part of that sounds casual you guys? I beg of you to tell me! People who say that casual dating is fun are lying to you. Get real! But I digress….
Back to the perks….there are some! It donned on me last weekend when I decided to spend my Saturday night doing laundry, eating takeout and watching “From Prada to Nada”, that there are some perks to not having anyone else around. That night was one of them. It was pretty awesome to do nothing and watch a bad movie while eating delicious food. It got me thinking about other perks….
// I can put egg whites on my face as a mask to get rid of my zits and no one has to know...except you guys now.  
// I have a shoe closet! A closet just for shoes! It’s like opening the door to nirvana every morning and I don’t have to share that space with anyone!
// I get to eat dinner in my bed pretty much every night.
// I can consume 4 cans of diet coke in one hour and no one tells me I’m an addict or that it is disgusting…It’s not and I’m not, you guys!
// I get to have impromptu dance parties in my room as often as I like!
// I can opt to drink out of a mason jar just because I like to, and no one questions me…I don’t use none of them fancy glasses unless company is over!
// I can tell someone I have to get home to do some housework when really I am going home to lay in bed with my pants off.
// I get to let my really loud, obnoxious laugh ring through the air while I watch “Happy Endings”…sans pants and sans shame.
// I can hold off on texting a guy back because I want to seem busy…allow me to reiterate that this is done on a night when I’ve spent the evening laying around pantsless.
// I get to come home on a hot afternoon, take my pants off and eat ice cream while I pray for cooler weather.
// I don’t have to wear pants around the house, like, ever!
Are you guys totes jelly of my life? You should be!

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Quote by an Amazing Man

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"It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out." 
— C.S. Lewis (The Screwtape Letters)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday is a special's the day I go to the pool!

I belong at the pool. I live for Saturday afternoons at Stiener's. Today, I bring you my never-shared-before, thoughts from the pool:
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- Would it be totally weird of me to ask the stranger to trade magazines with me when she's done?
- Oh good! The lunatic fringe crew is here (in reference to the tatted hipsters all in black with wayfarers on as they arrive at the's 95 out here. You can take the black off, you tools!)
- I want a soft pretzel, but I don't want to bloat (my vanity overcame my craving)
- Pretty sure its not okay for a married dude to be alone at the pool, sitting next to the single girls, eyeing us through his oakleys...we know you're doing it. They aren't that dark.
- So...very....sweaty!
- Holy crap! That girl is in sweat pants! You could not pay me to be in sweat pants right now! 
- I want ice cream.
- I need a nap (and I then accidentally took one)
- Stephen Coletti is such a fool! Who breaks up with LC AND Kristin Cavalleri?!
- Kyle Howard is an even bigger fool! Breaking up with LC because he wants to be the next Di Niro? Who picks Di Niro as their inspiration? And no one knows who you are!
- Gross! Pool of sweat in my belly button. Eeeeeeew! 

And there you have it. My day at the pool ladies and gents.