Alright class, its time for a pop quiz! It’s a multiple choice and the answers will be given at the end of this blog entry. You have 4 minutes to complete this quiz and no notes or calculators may be used. Your time begins NOW!
1. Do you know who is awesome?
A. Oprah
B. Serena Williams
C. Nickelback
D. Taking Back Sunday
2. In college I once made the decision to kiss a frat boy based on the lyrics to which song:
A. “A decade under the influence” – TBS (Anyone will do tonight. Close your eyes just settle)
B. “We belong together” – Mariah Carey (Come back, baby because we belong together)
C. “Bubbly” – Colbie Caillet (You make me smile. Please stay for a while now)
D. “Figured you out” – Nickelback (Now I know who you are. It wasn’t that hard. To figure you out)
3. What concert am I going to tonight?
A. Nickelback
B. Taking Back Sunday
C. Yo Gabba Gabba
D. Manhiem Steamroller
4. Will I make the same decision I made 7 years ago, tonight (refer to question 2)?
A. Absolutely! You never learn from your mistakes.
B. No Way! You have way too much self respect now.
C. There’s a pretty good chance. It wasn’t really that poor of a decision.
D. Only time will tell…but you certainly can’t rule anything out.
Times up! Put your pens down. I will now give you the correct answers:
1. D. Taking Back Sunday. If you answered Nickelback, I get to kick you swiftly in the face.
2. A. A Decade Under the Influence. Those lyrics literally went through my head. Bummer for him if he reads this blog and finds out that I did that. Sorry, man. I was in a really weird place in life. Also, if you answered Nickelback to that one, I get to kick you in the face until you bleed.
3. B. Taking Back Sunday. I am so stoked!! I mean, I once allowed them to talk me into kissing someone. Obvs I am a big fan! Again, if Nickelback was your answer, I am no longer your friend. Facebook deleted and everything!
4. D. Only time will tell….but I certainly can’t rule anything out. A lady never kisses and tells so I would never post about that on here…unless you are the aforementioned frat boy (sorry again!) so if you want to know, you will just have to text me tomorrow to find out!